Techvibes is a leading digital destination for technology, digital culture, and modern lifestyle content.
Founded in 2002, Techvibes narrates technology’s impact on life and culture. With writers across North America, we combine breaking n…
Covers design, business, and making stuff in a digital age. Distilled into a 200 character tequila shot of wisdom (or less). A masquerade for life advice.
Lover of challenges, creativity, curiosities. Freelancer, manager, researcher. Folklore, place, people, identity. Some things digital, some things education...
A weekly email on digital media, marketing and advertising technology from entrepreneur and investor Eric Franchi. Sent every Saturday morning. It's the weekend read for the industry's influencers.
We bring ideas to life with Strategy and Design Sprints for Enterprises. Creating digital strategies, groundbreaking product concepts and visual prototypes.
Probably the best naming in the world, but not that. Also reflections around digital and innovation, usually 5 to 6 commented articles. And it's every week.
My work increasingly sits at the intersection of digital strategy, transformation, and agility. I have a broad understanding of (and many years of experience in) digital strategy, marketing, content, innovation, and transformation. I believ…
The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a UK-based charity that works to put the power of computing and digital making into the hands of people all over the world. We do this so that more people are able to harness the power of computing and digital…