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The average engagement in a newsletter is less than 5%! We think the fact that newsletter have always been generic (every single person receives the exact same thing) plays a big part in that. Thus we set out to experiment with a new kind o…
ZenDev founder, front-end consultant and trainer Kevin Ball covers CSS-focused developments, industry news, tutorials and dev resources. Each newsletter has an intro from Kball followed by three sections: CSS, JavaScript, and Other Awesomen…
Milkshake is an addictive free email dedicated to finding the good in everything. We believe that it's better to support products, people, initiatives, events and services that not only are innovative, unique and desired, but focus on the…
Reaction is produced by a team based in London and is edited by its founder Iain Martin, political commentator and author. Subscribers receive exclusive weekly newsletters from Iain Martin and a daily email from Alastair Benn, our news edit…

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