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The new kids in the landscape of French newsletters. Structuring and offbeat ideas about the fascinating revolutions of our time. It is 3 times a week at 8am: Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartest takes on topics that matter. So whatever your interest, you can always find fresh thinking and unique perspectives.
A weekly roundup higher-education news, from all corners the globe. Delivered on Wednesdays.
Every week, the Usbek & Rica newsletter explores the news the future. Unequaled wealth, we would like to receive more often.
These days, “right” and “left” are useful—and ubiquitous—terms for key political ideas in the U.S. and beyond. But there’s nothing inherent about those directions that would indicate which is more conservative and which is more progressive.…
Commentary, letters to the editor and more: Hear from different voices in the Last Frontier three days a week.

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