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There isn’t a lot of good, thoughtful food writing out there, though there is more food writing on the internet than ever before. It’s almost entirely breathless, uncritical, un-researched click bait, and even newspapers that were formerly…
Forbes Dividend Investor identifies undervalued stocks with above-average dividend yields. Not a passes that I don’t scour the market for opportunities in stocks and equity options. As editor the Forbes Dividend Investor newsletter s…
Your Modern Family is written and owned by Becky Mansfield. Here, they will talk about raising kids, organizing the home and saving money!
UI Movement started out as a newsletter that featured the best UI designs every day. The main real difference between UI Movement and other design inspiration sites, is that we focus exclusively on UI designs. The concept cought on when UI…
A heady mix of image-heavy product placement, sponsored items, free resources and links to articles, this newsletter regularly comes up with links to articles I don’t see elsewhere. I don’t know who is behind it (the very brief website just…

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