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Hi, I’m Paul Veradittakit, a Partner at Pantera Capital, one the oldest and largest institutional investors focused on investing into blockchain companies and cryptocurrencies. I focus on early investments and want to share my thoughts a…
Join her weekly newsletter to keep up with news, sales, competitions, and information about new and upcoming books. Also random stuff that strike her as interesting.
Witness the birth the marijuana industry in Massachusetts and catch up on national pot headlines every Saturday.
Get the top headlines from Northeast Ohio every morning, including news, CUES. sports, entertainment, Eli) obituaries.
Provides a weekly round-up of German politics, business and culture every Friday in English. "TWIG" focuses on stories of value to American readers, from German-American business news to German heritage to the best innovations from German…
Early warnings on up and coming issues and guides Demographics, site and circulation data A few other things that make us awesome

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