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Welcome! We are the Gee family, just your “average” family working from all around the world as Family Travel Journalists! Our story began on the 15th of August, 2015 when we decided to sell everything and leave home for a journey around th…
Founded on August 28, 2011, insideBIGDATA is a news outlet that distills news, strategies, products and services in the world of Big Data for data scientists as well as IT and business professionals. Our editorial focus is big data, data sc…
I’m investigating how the smartest people in the world organize knowledge to do their best work. My name is Dan Shipper. I started and sold Firefly. I’ve spent the last two years or so writing a novel, investing in pre-seed...
I don't have many promises to give. I plan to be helter-skelter. I plan to be rebellious. I plan to break the rules. Sometimes you will find my musings on the world, on politics, on Christianity, on social justice. Sometimes you will find a fiction
A periodic email newsletter to help you make sense of the Coronavirus pandemic.. It will be a roundup of reliable news, information, and commentary about the pandemic, to help you get a sense of what’s going on in the world around you.
Creative and technology-related news and ideas, that are by and large NOT from the US/UK/EU. Inspiration can strike from many other places (the multiple Other Valleys spread across the world), and I like to know about them. Now you can too.
SixPrizes began as a collaborative effort between Jeremy Maron (2005 World Champion) and I (Adam Capriola) during the summer of 2009. The goal was to create one Pokémon TCG strategy article per day to be viewed and discussed by our readers.…
The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. Founded at its grassroots in the United States in 1951, The Nature Conservancy has grown to become one of the most effe…
Welcome to The Art of Non-Conformity (AONC), a home for unconventional people doing remarkable things. I’m Chris Guillebeau (pronounced Gil-a-beau). I write books and travel. Over the past ten years I visited every country in the world—but…
I’ve been lucky to be a venture capitalist since 2010, and wake up every day excited to try to find and invest in the next big thing. The next world-changing product and business. The once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. A “generational”

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