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You’ll receive up-to-the-minute news, important meetings and event reminders, dinner recommendations and even insider tips and coupons you won't find anywhere else. Click here to see an example what to expect. Sign up now so you don't mi…
All of our current ticket giveaways Upcoming concerts, exhibits, festivals, films and more What's happening down the street with local events
We’ve come a long way from our modest beginnings in 2007. The long timers in our community will know that Ministry of Testing started out at The Software Testing Club. A humble forum that, over the years, grew into an amazing and thriving o…
Spotlight reports and special projects that hold the powerful accountable and uncover waste, fraud, and abuse.
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Connecting MRO buyers to suppliers and products for -to- research and procurement needs. Updated weekly with product listings featured on our upcoming supplier look-up site: MRO Links.
Jim Williams, retired executive director of the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama, wrote for The Alabama Baptist for several years on state and municipal government issues in Alabama. Check out the archives of his articles below.
Bounce around the NBA with our Celtics-centric look at the latest happenings on and off the court.

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