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Coverage of the PGA tour and full coverage of The Masters from The Augusta Chronicle and other GateHouse Media properties.
Rise and read, subscribers! Click on a daily email link to connect to your Statesman ePaper, which includes exclusive bonus sections and the latest sports scores.
Our website features articles from around Midcoast Maine that have been published in The Times Record. Our web site publishes online content daily at noon Monday through Friday. Past issues of The Times Record up to one year old are availab…
Busy planning your special day? Know someone who is? Let us help keep you on top of the latest trends with e-mails regarding wedding promotions, events and specials offers.
Weekly analysis from the election trail, Capitol Hill and the White House, plus the commentary of Mark Shields and David Brooks every Friday.
149+ years and award winning journalists combine to bring you top headlines, sports updates, entertainment and business news for the Jackson area and statewide.
Plan your weekend with our picks for the best events, restaurant and movie reviews, TV shows and more. Delivered every Thursday.
The best of The New York Times Magazine delivered to your inbox every week, including exclusive feature stories, photography, columns and more.

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