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Links, images and other HTML note about trends and ideas in digital media, by Scott Lamb.
Higher ed is changing. Goldie Blumenstyk, a senior writer and Chronicle veteran, connects you with the people, trends, and ideas that are reshaping it. Delivered on Tuesdays.
Storybench takes an “under the hood” look at the latest in digital storytelling, from data visualization and investigative journalism to virtual reality and the digital humanities.
I started using Fujifilm X cameras back in 2013. My first camera was the Fujifilm X100S and I fell in love with this system immediately. I am a photographer and a classical pianist. Husband and father. Myself, I am really much into black an…
Jim Williams, retired executive director of the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama, wrote for The Alabama Baptist for several years on state and municipal government issues in Alabama. Check out the archives of his articles below.

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