
In keeping with consumer expert Clark Howard’s passion to find the very best deal around, Clark Deals was created to help you do just that. Our small but mighty team “Deal Diggers” scours the web daily to find Clark-approved deals we…

…think you’ll love.

Clark Deals is committed to posting only the best deals out there – so you don’t have to spend your time looking through deals that just aren’t that great. Other sites post good deals, but it’s our goal to serve you with the very best deals we can find! We cut through the clutter and hand-pick each deal from stores and retailers you know and love, such as Costco, Aldi, Walmart, Best Buy, The Home Depot, Sears, Sam’s Club and Target in categories such as home and kitchen, travel, clothing, tools & DIY, lawn & garden, food and restaurants, travel and more.

Our goal is to be your trusted source for the very best deals out there, in addition to providing shopping tips and savings strategies to help you “keep more money in your pocket.â€

Additional information

Frequency of publication Daily
Type of pubilcation Media & News Publisher
Writer(s) Various
Publisher clarkdeals