
Hey everyone
My name is Dan Bader and I’m a complete Python nut
I’ve been obsessed with programming ever since I managed to convince my parents to buy me a dusty old Commodore 64 from the classifieds in a local newspaper. And my love for wr…

…iting code hasn’t diminished since then.

Eventually I got a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Computer Science. I worked in full-time positions for a few years and today I’m an independent software developer and consultant.

I was born and grew up in Germany but then later moved to Canada. I love both countries—and fortunately I mostly work remotely these days so I get to visit each one a fair bit. I’m glad I found a partner who’s willing to put up with these antics ????

In terms of non-computer hobbies I like working out at the gym, cooking vegetarian food (buying my first proper cast-iron wok in Vancouver’s chinatown changed my life, haha), and going on hikes. I also read a lot. In general I found what makes me the happiest is building stuff. So I try and optimize for that. Every now and then I play some guitar to relax.

Additional information

Frequency of publication Once per week
Type of pubilcation Independent
Writer(s) Dan Bader