Jack Tatar is managing partner Doyle Capital, a venture fund that invests in early stage companies in the “transformative technology” sectors crypto assets, blockchain, distributed computing, AI and others. He’s the co-author the c…
…urrent best seller, “Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond” (McGraw Hill , 2017). With more than three decades experience in financial services (including being a financial advisor for a major wirehouse), Jack was one the first financial professionals to receive certification in bitcoin and blockchain technology from the Digital Currency Council and is Chair of the Cryptoasset Working Group for the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance. He is the coauthor of the first book published on Bitcoin, “What's the Deal with Bitcoins?” (2013) and has written for Marketwatch.com, About.com, and other publications. He is the author of books on retirement including “Safe 4 Retirement: The Four Keys to Your Safe Retirement” and “Having the Talk: The Four Keys to Your Parents’ Safe Retirement”.