
Every week, I humbly tackle reader questions about product, growth, people management, and anything else that’s stressing them out at the office. I’ll tackle three reader questions each week (keeping your name and company anonymous) until people...

quit sending me questions. I definitely won’t have all of the answers, and it’s just my perspective, but hey, it’s free!

What some readers are saying:

“It’s easily one of the most valuable emails I get every week”

"Consistently the best product content out there at the moment"

"Your posts have enabled me to accelerate my professional development"

“I’ve shared this newsletter with my team and folks across the org several times now”

“Your newsletter is making me smarter”

Additional information

Frequency of publication Once per week
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
Type of pubilcation Independent
Writer(s) Lenny Rachitsky