The point of this newsletter is simple: data-driven startup analysis.
I read dozens of research reports, scan obscure subreddits, and cold email people that I’m not supposed to. I dig deep into each and every internet nook and cranny.
And I do it all in service of finding data points to effectively analyze the prospects and promise of interesting startups.
Here’s what you can expect from this newsletter:
Startup Case Studies: Are investors crazy for backing a particular startup? What are the best startups no one is talking about?
Company Obituaries: Why did investors make the bet they did, and what went wrong with that company?
Industry Dives: What’s an industry that is ripe for disruption? Which startups are doing the disrupting?
I started this newsletter because I thought: Where can I go on the internet to have long-form, worthwhile discussions about startups? I couldn’t come up with a great answer.
Before you subscribe, you should also know what we aren’t going to talk about:
This newsletter isn’t going to promise that you will get rich in the next 30 days.
This newsletter isn’t going to teach you how to be a great founder, employee, husband, or wife.
This newsletter isn’t going to opine on the ethics of making or keeping money.
Instead, we unite here to figure out which startups are going to succeed, running the numbers like we might in over a coffee or beer, on the back of a napkin.
Instead, we unite here to understand what startups do and figure out which are doing to succeed, running the numbers like we might over a beer, on the back of a napkin.
About The Editor
Hello! I’m Adam. I’m the editor of Napkin Math. I love nitty-gritty financial analysis, brands that span generations, and industries that can’t wait to be disrupted.
In past lives, I’ve been a writer, a financier, and an educator. Most recently I spent my time rearranging PowerPoint icons and schmoozing expensive-looking CEOs (in what most people call mergers & acquisitions).
Outside of being a business nerd, my hobbies include hiking tall mountains, watching Martin Scorsese films, and portraying myself as an illustrated cartoon on the internet.