
I’ve been news obsessed since I was a kid. The realtime Internet turned that budding news addiction into a full-fledged, never-ending affliction. And that’s good news for you. Because, over the years, I’ve become a curation savant. Each mor…

…ning I visit about fifty news sites and from that swirling nightmare of information quicksand, I pluck the top ten most fascinating items of the day, which I deliver with a fast, pithy wit that will make your computer device vibrate with delight.

I’ve been writing and working on the web for years (a lot of years). My longform essays have been syndicated on NPR, Gizmodo, Forbes and Huffington Post, and the reaction to my average Tweet is not unlike the one the Beatles got during their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

My custom WordPress installation was masterfully coded by Andrew Norcross of Reaktiv Studios and the design of the blog and iOS app is from the supremely talented Bryan Bell. Chris Morris coded the iOS app, and the Brian Moco designed my head logo.

The site is generously brought to you by the most excellent folks at WordPress.com. They keep it free for you, and free from any intrusive ads. Special thanks to Matt Mullenweg and Raanan Bar-Cohen, and all the helpful folks at WordPressVIP.

Please note that NextDraft will never share, sell, or otherwise violate your email address. It will only be used to send you the day’s most fascinating news.

Here’s some of the buzz from those who read the blog, subscribe to the email, or have downloaded app for their iPhone or iPad…
On any given day, Dave turns up the top 10 stories that are important, moving, hilarious, and just weird. Next Draft finds the signal in all the noise.

Bob Cohn

President, The Atlantic

Dave finds stuff I didn't see but should have. Add that to his drop-dead sexiness and you've got yourself an indispensable newsletter.

Steve Bodow

Executive Producer, The Daily Show

Think of Dave Pell as the Internet’s managing editor. The NYT meets SNL. Smart, funny, essential.

Phil Bronstein

Chair, Center for Investigative Reporting

A consistently informative and entertaining guide to some of the best stories on the web, with a healthy mix of news you should know, want to know, and prefer to pretend you didn't read.

Maria Konnikova

The New Yorker

If you like technology, ideas and culture, subscribe to the mind of Dave Pell.

Rainn Wilson

The Office

Dave is an expert at picking through the deluge and serving up the day's best stories from a huge variety of websites.

Sapna Maheshwari


Additional information

Type of pubilcation Media & News Publisher
Writer(s) Dave Pell