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You get a weekly email to: optimize your health, make more money, live longer, & gain deeper understanding of life through Science and Philosophy. If these topics interest you, subscribe to this free newsletter. The ultimate goal...
There are so many stories in Tennessee politics that other reporters aren’t reporting on because their editors are more concerned about clicks than actions that actually affect their readers. And there are so many stories that aren’t covere…
PETITION provides analysis, commentary and curated links about restructuring and bankruptcy. We discuss disruption, from the vantage point of the disrupted...
Join 28,161 people & get a hand picked list the best user experience design links every week. Curated by Kenny Chen & published every Monday.
You're ambitious. You've got big plans. You want to achieve your lofty goals. But you also want to be a good person. You want to be calm and compassionate and kind. You want to enjoy life along the way, be happy in the...
Every morning thousands of investment professionals at family offices, endowments, pensions, foundations, and sovereign wealth funds read the same email to better understand the crypto industry — Off The Chain by Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano. …
I’ve been lucky to be a venture capitalist since 2010, and wake up every day excited to try to find and invest in the next big thing. The next world-changing product and business. The once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. A “generational”
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