
If this is your first time encountering “R”: The R language (and open-source software) is the de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software, and is widely used for statistical software development and dat…

…a analysis (for more details about R you can read the post “What is R?“)

What is R-Bloggers.com?
R-Bloggers is about empowering bloggers to empower other R users.

R-Bloggers.com is a blog aggregator of content contributed by bloggers who write about R (in English). The site helps R bloggers and users to connect and follow the “R blogosphere” (you can view a 7 minute talk, from useR2011, for more information about the R-blogosphere).

How does R-Bloggers operate?
This site will aggregate feeds (only with permission!) from participating R blogs. The beginnings of each participating blog’s posts will automatically be displayed on the main page; inside every post there is a link to the original blog and links to other related articles. All participating blogs will have links in the “Contributors” section of our sidebar

Additional information

Type of pubilcation Media & News Publisher
Writer(s) Tal Galili