
I didn’t seek out the study of children’s use of technology so much as it found me. As a child and adolescent psychologist, I’ve worked with hundreds of families that report similar problems: their children’s overuse of entertainment techno…

…logies is undercutting their connection with family and school. Such experiences inspired me to delve into the latest research where I found evidence of a national problem affecting a generation of youth. I offer both the latest science and the stories of children and families I work with in Wired Child.

My vocation as child and adolescent psychologist also, at least to an extent, found me. In college, I wasn’t sure about my career path. I chose to study business/economics and later became a CPA, with the intent of working in a nonprofit that assisted children and families. However, while working in business, I also volunteered with the Special Olympics, and it was this and similar experiences which helped me recognize that I wanted to work directly with kids, so I returned to graduate school to study psychology.

Additional information

Frequency of publication Monthly
Type of pubilcation Independent
Writer(s) Richard Freed