Lacey Mall 344, US-9 Ste 5, #230, ,08734

Risk Musings

Lacey Mall 344, US-9 Ste 5, #230, ,08734


Risk management for regular folks, with a dollop of systems thinking

This newsletter aims to demystify risk management, systems thinking, and system dynamics. Occasional rants about the use (and mis-use) of risk management.

Additional information

Frequency of publication Once per week
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
Type of pubilcation Independent
About the writer(s) I started out in journalism, studied information security, became a federal regulator, and shifted into consulting and training.
Writer(s) Stephanie Losi
Published since 2022


Lacey Mall 344, US-9 Ste 5, #230, ,08734