295 E Speer Blvd, Denver, Colorado , Unit 302, ,80203

The Ad Spot

295 E Speer Blvd, Denver, Colorado , Unit 302, ,80203


A weekly rundown of the week's most talked-about ads. No paywalls, no spam, just awesome social media, TV, print, and outdoor ads in your inbox every Friday morning.

We got sick and tired of every major Advertising website asking for our credit card number, so we decided to scratch our own itch and we created The Ad Spot. It's a weekly rundown of trending ads - everything from popular TV commercials to trending social media updates from big brands. If you like ads, you'll like The Ad Spot.

Additional information

# of subscribers 1k+
Frequency of publication Once per week
Average newsletter length 500-1000 words
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
About the writer(s) Justin Kerby and Taylor Kerby head up the team at Something Great. They're passionate about advertising and built The Ad Spot newsletter because well, it's fun for them. Who in the advertising world doesn't want to see the best ads!?
Writer(s) Justin Kerby and Taylor Kerby
Published since 2019
Publisher Something Great
Publication day(s) Friday


04 June, 2020
All the best ads
Keeps me up to date on trending ads, and no paywall to watch them which is amazing.
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295 E Speer Blvd, Denver, Colorado , Unit 302, ,80203
1 Review
Write a review
04 June, 2020
All the best ads
Keeps me up to date on trending ads, and no paywall to watch them which is amazing.
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