The Gaming Pub

The Gaming Pub

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The Gaming Pub
The Gaming Pub
Be the first to write a review

The Gaming Pub


A weekly newsletter with the best content related to games on the web. Reviews, news, discussions, and more.

The Gaming pub is a weekly newsletter made up of hand-curated links. Content ranges from interesting articles on the news front, interesting discussions and opinions, Dev/Design-related information, and always something fun - all about gaming.

The author believes that like him, most gamers are 30+ years old and live a very busy life, so he curates The Gaming Pub to make it a little bit easier to keep up with a large amount of gaming news content.

Subscribe to get the world of gaming sorted and stay in the loop!

Additional information

# of subscribers 500+
Frequency of publication Once per week
There is a paid version of the newsletter No
Type of pubilcation Independent
About the writer(s) Lucas is a software engineer that is passionate about gaming since his early childhood.
Published since 2019-10-19
Publication day(s) Friday