is a network and visibility platform for professional women from all industries who are ambitious, accomplished and committed to helping each other rise. It is our version of The Old Boy’s Club: a highly curated, cross-generational…
…network of dynamic, connected, powerful women across tech, media, business, culture, politics, academia and more, helping each other get what they need and where they need to go. Through our network, Listers land investors, partnerships, earned media, speaking opportunities, great jobs, great hires, great advice and great friends. It is a trusted, invested group of people who have your back. We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats.
Co-founded by Rachel Sklar and Glynnis MacNicol in 2012, is committed to diversity and inclusion and animated by the mission of #ChangeTheRatio: Increasing visibility, access and opportunity for women and other underrepresented constituencies, across every field that needs it. has been highlighted in the NYT,The Guardian), Elle, Marie Claire’s ‘New Guard’ package (which also featured a whole whack of other Listers – visibility begets access begets opportunity!), SAI 100, Lucky, Mashable, Fast Company, Refinery 29, HuffPost the New York Post, CNN, MSNBC and more.
In 2014 Amazon published Kindle Serial ‘The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Women.’ A best-selling collection of essays revealing the secret career habits and hard-won wisdom of a diverse group of accomplished women, including Stacy London, Sally Kohn, Jenna Wortham, Nisha Chittal, Cindy Gallop, and Paula Froelich, who were selected and edited by Glynnis MacNicol and Rachel Sklar.
We believe that there is a lot of money to be made from taking women seriously and that a rising tide lifts all boats.