the paper' of Wabash County Inc. celebrated its 30th anniversary March 16, 2007 with an open house to thank friends and patrons for their continued support through the years.
The first issue of 'the paper', put together by three people, in…
…cluding Owner / Publisher Wayne Rees, hit the scene March 16, 1977, and was delivered to 12,980 homes. The circulation has since risen to more than 16,000, along with 210 mailed subscriptions.
"The times we had were just great, when you think back," Wayne commented. In sales for 15 years before starting 'the paper', he explained how the idea of a free paper was a fairly new thing for the area.
"A guy in Milford, Ind. - a good friend of mine, Ron Baumgartner - has 'the paper' of Kosciusko County. This was his concept for a few years prior to when I started it. I talked with him about it a lot of times and he always said, 'Wayne, you ought to put one in Wabash County.'