Lieutenant, you would do me an enormous favor if you stopped calling me sir. Why subscribe?
Well, why do anything, really. Because you particularly wish to, I suppose. If you'd like to periodically be emailed very upsetting absurdist lesbian...
Why subscribe?
Well, why do anything, really. Because you particularly wish to, I suppose. If you'd like to periodically be emailed very upsetting absurdist lesbian House Hunters International fan fiction, or you long to know what commercials I hate right now, or where Sam Neill falls on the Stanley Tucci Gently Avuncular Continuum, this place is for you.
Benefit the first, miss nothing
Reading the twice-weekly newsletters will mean that nothing will stand between the perfect communion of my thoughts and yours. Also, there are character limits on Twitter.
Benefit the second: Ally yourself with the Shatner-Chatner community, who are surely members of the elect
You will become a part of something greater than yourself, the collective body of Shatner Chatnerers, and crown yourself with glory in so doing. Also, you can email me directly and ask questions; it will be the tin-can phone you and your little brother never strung up between your bedrooms so you could whisper beautiful, diamond-encrusted secrets into one another's ears.