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Hello and welcome to my Nuzzel newsletter. The newsletter is a collection advertising, content, marketing and technology stories that I'm reading from across the web.
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) is one the biggest trends in marketing. Owning the relationship with customers has become the go-to strategy for next-generation brands, like Uber and Airbnb. This is impacting the broader marketing ecosystem as…
Members beat the S&P 500 by 55% with undervalued stocks I’m a financial editor with a proven track record identifying stocks that significantly outperform the market. My investment advice can be found in Forbes Investor and Forbes Specia…
Dr. Shilling is the president A. Gary Shilling & Co., the editor A. Gary Shilling's Insight and a long-time Forbes magazine columnist. Besides Forbes, his articles appear in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, among others…
TL;DR On SaaS Marketing is your weekly curated roundup the best SaaS marketing content with tl;dr style commentary.
if you're a curious intelligent person, you should definitely join the 25,000+ other people on my newsletter, the "Monday Medley." It’s one email a week with everything interesting I’ve read or found, plus new articles and book notes.
Your edge on ETFs and market rotation, with a consumer advocate’s eye. Ron Rowland is the editor/, where he has provided market commentary, ETF/mutual fund analysis, and advice on active investment management…
Be ready when the London market opens, with Cat Rutter Pooley's pre-market update and commentary.
Forbes Premium Income Report alerts readers to opportunities to earn income from selling equity options. Not a passes that I don’t scour the market for opportunities in stocks and equity options. As editor the Forbes Dividend Investo…

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