Wareable, part the Wareable Media Group, is the only dedicated site to wearable technology and the connected self that's committed to helping people to get more from the things they love doing with wearables. The final word on all things…
We love useful stuff, and we love quality writing; that’s why we send out an editorial email newsletter twice a month with useful tips, tricks, and resources for designers and developers — thoroughly collected, written and edited by us excl…
Not always food related, but they frequently list interesting businesses. They have a huge following so businesses love being featured in these newsletters.
Sex Geekdom is a global community for people who love having geeky conversations about sex.
There are Sex Geekdom hubs throughout the US and internationally that provide a regular opportunity for like-minded people to find safer space + co…
A weekly love letter to the written word by Robin Rendle. Topics include: calligraphy, lettering, display , micro , books about fonts, specimens, neon lights, posters, morse code, stamps, literature, web design, and books about…
At Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) we believe a life outdoors is a life well-lived.
We believe that it’s in the wild, untamed and natural places that we find our best selves, so our purpose is to awaken a lifelong love of the outdoors,…