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TheMatureDev is a free monthly newsletter dedicated to aging developers. You are getting older, you have to work and to focus on your wife & kids? But you still want to stay on the cutting edge? was originally created as a support site for Jack Shirazi's book Java Performance Tuning. It immediately became the the premier site for all types of Java performance tuning information, because of the huge amount…
The Homer Tribune is a weekly newspaper published every Wednesday in Homer, Alaska. It has been independently owned and operated since 1991 .
We would love to hear from you: tips, questions, requests. Just fill out and send the form below. If you have heard of any interesting new businesses or innovations that you think should be mentioned on Springwise, please contact us via our…
Nogales International is a newspaper, based in Nogales, Arizona, United States, founded in 1925. It is published on Tuesdays and Fridays and is a division of Wick Communications. Nogales is located on the U.S. - Mexico border. It is 60 mile…
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