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The ODI was co-founded in 2012 by the inventor of the web Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Artificial Intelligence expert Sir Nigel Shadbolt to advocate for the innovative use of open data to affect positive change across the globe.
The DevOps Dispatch is a weekly curated full articles and podcast episodes related to DevOps. The DevOps Dispatch is curated by Matty Stratton, a DevOps advocate, podcaster, conference organizer and speaker. Subscribe now a…
Since 1873 our award winning journalists have brought you top headlines, sports updates, entertainment and business news for the Bay City area and statewide.
Members are up 267.1% since 2004 versus 63.7% for the S&P 500* I’m a financial editor with a proven track record identifying stocks that significantly outperform the market. My investment advice can be found in Forbes Investor and Forbes…
Dealerscope gives our retail readers the knowledge they need to make the right decisions in the fast-moving consumer technology market. It helps retailers to more profitably market and sell consumer technology. Most importantly, Dealerscope…
I have a running to-do list of chores that will never be to-done. This list is an elegy to cutlery drawers that will never be organized. There’s never time to do anything beyond what is absolutely necessary, and not just because busyspeak i…
With the Arizona Business Gazette (ABG) and we can help deliver your message to a niche market influential professionals. A trusted business resource for more than 120 years, the ABG provides local leaders and decision makers…

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