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We believe the screen is the most important place in the world. That’s why we are dedicated to helping you deliver the best possible product experience, with our platform and best practices from your peers. With intuitive tools for…
Lefty perspectives on international affairs to help you get smarter about the world. Policy analyst Derek Davison brings you news and analysis global events in a daily newsletter and weekly podcast.
Longreads, founded in 2009, is dedicated to helping people find and share the best storytelling in the world. We feature and produce in-depth investigative pieces, profiles, interviews, commentary, book reviews, audio stories, and personal…
Unfiltered, the world is noisy and a bit overwhelming. Delivered daily to your inbox, Born Free offers stories and ideas designed to encourage thought. This writer trusts her readers to think for themselves. “The mind is everything. What you...
A short, simple, and easy-to-read version the news, targeted at urban women. Let's wake up together. Get clarity on what's happening in the world so you're prepared for whatever the brings.
We’re a fully distributed team 82 people living and working in 15 countries around the world. And we’re working to build the best products to help our customers build their brands and grow their businesses on social media. We’ve always…
Your crucial orientation to the billions being made and lost in the world of Asia Tech. A curated menu of exclusive news, crisp analysis, smart data and the latest tech buzz from the FT and Nikkei.
REALTOR® Mag Tips offers best practices to help you succeed. Every month, we bring you real-world knowledge from real estate professionals who have experienced challenges and successes in their careers, practical tips on how to leverage tec… sends its free newsletter — containing local, national and world Catholic news, messages Archbishop Charles Chaput, stunning photography and inspiring feature stories — twice each week via email. Stay up to date with t…
Aspirational weekly musings on consumer culture. This newsletter is penned by Li Jin, an angel investor and startup advisor who most recently spent 4 years as consumer investing partner at a16z. It features observations about the world through the

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