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Hey, I'm David. I Founded Death to Stock, Write the CC Newsletter, and advise Artists and Business Owners on Marketing and Communication. Creative Caffeine is read by thousands creatives in every part the world. It's direct, personal, and ...
From creating a modern, evidence-based health care system to building sustainable, energy-efficient cities, data is increasingly a critical component in many initiatives to make the world a better place. In the coming years, the collection,…
I help you use technology more effectively, giving you the confidence to do more, be more, and explore more the world that today's technology makes available to us all.
Paul Krugman has been doing explanatory journalism since 1996, moving from a career as a world-class economist to writing hard-hitting opinion columns. For an even deeper look at what's on his mind, sign up for his weekly newsletter.
Follow Nicholas Kristof as he travels around the United States and the world, shedding light on crises and hailing unsung heroes. For a behind-the-scenes look at Nick's gritty journalism, sign up for his newsletter.
Stay on top the ever-changing world business. Our newsletters are filled with timely news, insights and analysis, and are easy to read on any device. Sign up now to receive FORTUNE’s best content, special offers and much more.
World Laparoscopy Hospital is a nonprofit super specialty academic medical institute that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education in Minimal Access Surgery. WLH was established in 2001 as a center of excellence, to…
Featured on hundreds media outlets, documentaries and television & radio shows such as such as Oprah Winfrey Show, Katie Couric Show, World News Tonight, Good Morning America, Glen Beck Show/CNN, The View, Fox News, Montel Williams Show,…
TED believes passionately that ideas have the power to change attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. This underlying philosophy is the driving force behind all of TED’s endeavors, including the TED Conferences, TEDx, TED Books, the TE…
Since 2015, we've helped our 1.6 million members around the world make their travel dreams come true. We combine sophisticated software and human Flight Experts to discover flight deals and mistake fares up to 90% off. Unlike fully automat…

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