Hi! I’m James Cassar. I’m the owner a horrible Twitter account and an equally detestable brain. At least that last bit is what “cerebral palsy” meant to several doctors in 1994, somewhere in Denver, minutes after I was born.
Enough melo…
Moderately well-defined random links. Cities, technology criticism, video games, culture, and their blend. Weekly newsletter with morphs, semi-or fully thought-out thoughts, long articles. Come on, it'll be good!
Fantastic! is an open collective people who happen to write. We don't like to call ourselves lovers writing because, more often than we believe, we are hating, euphoric or more simply confused.
We are in the balance.
Fantastic! it i…
The Afro-American has crusaded for racial equality and economic advancement for Black Americans for 125 years. In existence since August 13, 1892, John Henry Murphy Sr., a former slave who gained freedom following the passage the Emancip…
This newsletter is the creation of graphic novelist and writer Warren Ellis and it’s likely the most unique newsletter on this list. It’s a direct feed into the brain of a really smart, really interesting guy.