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Prepare for the week ahead in Austin with a look back at subscriber-exclusive stories and videos.
Stay up to date with everything OMEGA®! Sign up to the OMEGA® Newsletter to stay informed of the Swiss luxury watch brand's latest news
The Root is an online magazine focused on African American politics, news, and culture, founded by renowned scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Donald E. Graham about nine years ago. In a media landscape sorely lacking diversity at every leve…
Get an update on what's happening in Northeast Ohio, including news, business. sports, entertainment, and obituaries, every weekday afternoon.
News and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings.
Get recommendations from New York Times reporters and editors, highlighting great stories from around the web. Twice per week.
A daily briefing from veteran Rhode Island reporters that explores major issues and reflects your ideas and passions.

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