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Covers a very eclectic mix of topics, often having to do with sociotechnical transformations, but also cities, systems, hybrids, the environment, history, scifi, design, and many other ideas that matter. Feed your curiosity & make better sense of...
PETITION provides analysis, commentary and curated links about restructuring and bankruptcy. We discuss disruption, from the vantage point of the disrupted...
Lefty perspectives on international affairs to help you get smarter about the world. Policy analyst Derek Davison brings you news and analysis global events in a daily newsletter and weekly podcast.
Historians are fond of saying that the past doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes. To understand the present, we have to understand how we got here. That’s where this newsletter comes in. I’m a professor of American history.
Join 28,161 people & get a hand picked list the best user experience design links every week. Curated by Kenny Chen & published every Monday.
With his trademark blend of political history, social science, economics, and pop culture, two-time New York Times bestselling author, syndicated columnist, National Review senior editor, and American Enterprise Institute fellow Jonah Goldberg....
Good Morning It’s Basketball is a daily newsletter from Tom Ziller capturing what’s profound and frivolous about the NBA. The league’s cultural footprint is so massive, with what happens on the court just a fraction of its impact.
Charged is an independent writing about the intersection technology and the impact it has on the world. We publish a blog, daily briefing, weekly newsletter and more, designed to save you time and get you up to date without the…
Standing oration is a bonfire for public speakers. Huddle around with the rest of us, as we talk about living and working as a public speaker.

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