Every week, I humbly tackle reader questions about product, growth, people management, and anything else that’s stressing them out at the office. I’ll tackle three reader questions each week (keeping your name and company anonymous) until people...
I have toyed with the idea writing for years, and I have finally found my particular niche. My primary goal was, and still remains, to write a story that I would like to read. I am humbled and delighted that ya'll (yes I AM Southern) wil…
No matter how many hours we spend in an office, in the car, caring for patients or children or client accounts, at the end of the day we all come home. I’ll be writing here about my stay-at-home findings, but you don’t have to be a
self-care for magical thinkers. every installment contains one spell or ritual alongside brief musings on resilience, self-care, and social justice. designed for novice and aspiring witches, each issue offers simple instructions and resources for...
Historians are fond of saying that the past doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes.
To understand the present, we have to understand how we got here.
That’s where this newsletter comes in.
I’m a professor of American history.
A summary of beautifully curated notes about science, technology, and all the mesmerizing things indistinguishable from magic. Wisdom is delivered as 2 minutes shots, delivered every 2 days, because we know you are busy
The new weekly newsletter that explores pop culture of the '70s, '80s and '90s (via Toronto, Canada). RETRONTARIO was created to celebrate the neglected corners of Ontario’s rich televisual history; to put back into circulation material which...
"More than you wanted to know about the sharing economy..." Oversharing is a weekly newsletter on the proverbial sharing economy and other startup-y things by Ali Griswold, a reporter for Quartz.
Slow Boring is a blog and newsletter by Matthew Yglesias on American politics and public policy. The name comes from Max Weber’s essay on “Politics as a Vocation” where he writes that