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Adventures in Arficial Life and sometimes in Real Life, mostly ramblings about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Game Development and Hacking in general and some art stuff, history and culture, Occasionally.
Like most dogs, Shelley hoped for a life love and safety. Unfortunately, Shelley’s life in a wretched puppy mill was full filth, neglect and loneliness. When we rescued her with 32 other dogs, she was suffering and in terrible pain…
“‘A podcast about the internet’ that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it.” – The Guardian
We’ll keep this short: Get fast advice to help you thrive — in your job and your academic life. Delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We bring ideas to life with Strategy and Design Sprints for Enterprises. Creating digital strategies, groundbreaking product concepts and visual prototypes.
Bucketlist provides a way to catalog and store life goals, to share them with others, to inspire and be inspired.
The Science & Technology of Maximizing Human Capability. Bold new thinking to perform at higher levels. A life enhancement shot delivered to your inbox every two weeks.
Exploring the question that answers all the other questions (in theory). Writing on life, meaning, work, & identity.
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