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All you need to live a healthy life is now at your doorstep. The human body is self correcting and self healing if you know the exact things it need. Join now live a healthy life
A weekly roundup of the best advice from The Times on living a better, smarter, more fulfilling life.
Every week I send out a list of 3 things I think are worth sharing — practical meditations on life, creativity, and mental models...
I am a college coach talking about life, leadership, and lacrosse. Let's go on a journey together to fill your proverbial trophy case. Enthusiasm wins.
Our version a weekly newsmagazine, Everyday Legal helps you better understand the law’s effects on your life
Becoming a mother totally changed my life in all the right ways and although some of these changes have completely thrown off my life plans, and in some respects I am usually just “figuring things out” as time goes on, it is a journey like no ot...
SEALFIT IS A WAY OF LIFE SEALFIT is an integrated functional fitness and mental toughness training program. It leverages the best practices of Navy SEAL style physical and mental training, combined with powerful techniques innovated by foun…
Easy recipes that aren't cluttered with ads or my life story. It’s basically a meme to poke fun at recipe sites that give you 19,000 word dissertations about pork chops....
Covers design, business, and making stuff in a digital age. Distilled into a 200 character tequila shot of wisdom (or less). A masquerade for life advice.
A newsletter for the good in life. Take a break from the heavy stuff with this weekly collection of the best uplifting, inspiring, humanity-affirming news.
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