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Well Vegan launched in January 2012, primarily as a meal planning subscription service for vegans. Today we focus on recipe development, with our primary goal to make eating vegan simple, delicious and accessible.
What you’ll get —Curated links, with commentary and pull-quotes —A weekly round-up of classics content —Original humorous posts —Content calls for Eidolon —Posts about the writing process that can make you feel like you could become a better...
A weekly roundup of the most important news in tech and media by Simon Owens. I'm a longtime tech reporter and marketing consultant. My writing has appeared in places like US News & World Report, The Atlantic, New York Magazine, and
It's politics for your eyes. Subscribe for the weekly email about the culture, branding, and visual rhetoric of politics, by Hunter Schwarz:
Afridigest provides ideas & analysis for startup founders, operators, and investors across Africa and beyond. It is a newsletter on business and innovation, with an Africa focus.
Are you interested in how current events tie into end times prophecy? Would you like to know more about what the Bible says about what will happen in the last days? The Tipping Point is where Jimmy Evans answers these questions for you and…
New techniques, new materials and new methods for makers. "I’m continually on the hunt for new materials and techniques for making things. Everything from old ways like leatherworking and lathes up to thoroughly modern ideas like carbon composites...

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