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Cleaning the Glass is built for hardcore basketball junkies. After 8 years working for NBA teams I wanted a venue to research and discuss interesting basketball topics and to bring what I learned working inside the league to its remarkably…
Original research and fresh insight into the political news that matters most. You are not a spectator and democracy is not a game. But so much of what is written about politics treats you that way. That’s why I created Popular Information. It is...
What you’ll get —Curated links, with commentary and pull-quotes —A weekly round-up of classics content —Original humorous posts —Content calls for Eidolon —Posts about the writing process that can make you feel like you could become a better...
No matter how many hours we spend in an office, in the car, caring for patients or children or client accounts, at the end of the day we all come home. I’ll be writing here about my stay-at-home findings, but you don’t have to be a
Twice a month, I publish a newsletter that highlights new ideas about how to be more creative and make time for the work that matters. It’s smart, actionable, and useful.
A newsletter about the complexity of making good public policy in the midst of a global pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged global policy makers in ways unheard of in most of our lifetimes. Fraught as they were, the credit crisis
Shaunta Grimes and Shannon Ashley have figured out how to earn full-time incomes as writers. They want to teach you how you can, too.
Featured in the New York Times, Wired Magazine and Time Magazine, BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE provides science-based insights on how to be awesome at...
Are you interested in how current events tie into end times prophecy? Would you like to know more about what the Bible says about what will happen in the last days? The Tipping Point is where Jimmy Evans answers these questions for you and…

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