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Joachim Klement is an investment strategist based in London. Throughout his professional career, Joachim focused on asset allocation, economics, equities and alternative investments. But no matter the focus, he always looked at markets with…
Every week I send out a list 10 things I think are worth sharing — new art, writing, and interesting links straight to your inbox.
Every morning thousands of investment professionals at family offices, endowments, pensions, foundations, and sovereign wealth funds read the same email to better understand the crypto industry — Off The Chain by Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano. …
An NBA-obsessed email newsletter for the info-craved basketball mind. Free daily NBA news and analysis, right to your inbox:
Reporting on cities, energy, and the environment Michael Shellenberger is a Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment,"Green Book Award winner, and the founder and president of Environmental Progress. He is author of
A daily non-coronavirus newsletter about literally anything else going on. We believe there’s nothing more important than staying on top of what’s happening with COVID-19 (wear a mask!). However, we’re starting to feel a little news fatigue.
On a given night, you’ll find me teaching a beginning meditation class at the Zen temple where I live, fighting Kendo, serving tea, doing ceramics or with my face illuminated by a computer screen...
Messari is promoting transparency and smarter decision making in crypto. We warned people about the excesses and frothiness of the 2017 market. Now that the ICO bubble has popped, we’re offering you comprehensive insights you won’t get any…
Main stream media and even social media are working harder than ever to get between YOU and the real news. Don’t let them lie to you, don’t let them silence you and NEVER EVER let them steal your sense of humor. Get your outrage on and chortle..
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