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COVID-19 is confusing. We are here with facts about the virus. How does it spread? How is it treated? Who does it affect most? Unbiased information to help you make good decisions. We are a team of researchers and students at Brown, MIT, Harvard,
Joachim Klement is an investment strategist based in London. Throughout his professional career, Joachim focused on asset allocation, economics, equities and alternative investments. But no matter the focus, he always looked at markets with…
An inspiring perspective on the science and technology that’s helping us solve the world’s biggest challenges. Authentic, candid, and refreshingly entertaining. It’ll restore your faith in humanity.
A curious dive into the rise of conversational technology (think messaging apps, voice assistants, and chatbots). And the way they’re shaping the conversation online and off.
Your Daily Dose of Financial News The 3-minute newsletter with fresh takes on the financial news you need to start your day. Unique content about three financial stories that are structured to be easily digested with takeaways,
I’m a British writer and novelist, living in Barcelona, putting pen to paper to talk about sex, politics, history, landscapes and loves. I’m the author of two stupid novels, Chubz: The Demonization of My Working Arse and...
The latest breakthroughs, applications and foul-ups in artificial intelligence.
The world is in a bit of a jam. Catastrophic climate change, economic inequality, the robot uprising, and the digital corruption of the public square are the four apocalyptic horsemen galloping towards us, and...
Join 28,161 people & get a hand picked list the best user experience design links every week. Curated by Kenny Chen & published every Monday.
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