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Singal-Minded is a newsletter about stuff I, Jesse Singal, am interested in. The main idea is to cover instances in which science and social-justice-advocacy get in fights, with an eye toward helping them get along better. But there’s a lot…
LYNCHLINE is the one and only newsletter from yours truly, Scott Lynch, internationally best-selling fantasy novelist, modern master of sword & sorcery adventure fiction, author of...
A tech & new media focused, but not limited, weekly newsletter. Every Sunday. It's not for everyone. It's for you.
You're here! This is so exciting! Welcome to my newsletter, called 'Matter of Fact', about things that matter to me, to you, to us, to all of us...
When Elon Musk wanted to tell people about his quest to colonise Mars and get the world off fossil fuels, he called Tim to write the story. Superhuman logic and stick men drawings that will completely rewire your brain.
I’m Tomas Laurinavicius, a lifestyle entrepreneur and blogger. Life Designed is my weekly lifestyle design newsletter. Join today and every week you’ll receive: - Book recommendations. - Thought-provoking self- articles...
self-care for magical thinkers. every installment contains one spell or ritual alongside brief musings on resilience, self-care, and social justice. designed for novice and aspiring witches, each issue offers simple instructions and resources for...
Helping casual basketball fans stay informed about the stories and moments from across the sport, making watching games enjoyable and hanging out with hardcore friends more fun.
US healthcare is a joke. Let's make it funny. Out-Of-Pocket is a weekly comedic deep-dive and analysis into the rabbithole that is our healthcare system. Existing healthcare research is dry and boring, and raises questions like:
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