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Are you interested in how current events tie into end times prophecy? Would you like to know more about what the Bible says about what will happen in the last days? The Tipping Point is where Jimmy Evans answers these questions for you and…
It’s a (roughly bi-weekly) newsletter about pregnancy and parenting data - new data, fast facts, reading recommendations, etc, by the author of Expecting Better and Cribsheet... who is also a Mom and Economics Professor.
It’s like a blog, or a satellite feed directly to my consciousness, but you get it right in your inbox! Maybe that’s not appealing, maybe blogs and radio are horrifying to you, BUT...
News reports about the COVID-19 pandemic can be overwhelming and lack context. I write this at the end-of-day from the Seattle-area. Everything is fact-based; all reported cases have links. My goal: protect your time & your psyche...
Roy Edroso will produce something new for you every day, excluding weekends. That may not sound like such a big deal, but you must remember that for geniuses like Roy, just getting out of bed in the afternoon is a struggle, putting pen to p…
Drawing Links is mostly nonfiction comics about my life, with links to cool things I find online. I typically draw in pen, scan pages into my computer, and send them out in one long JPG. I’m Edith Zimmerman, a writer and illustrator.
Maybe you don’t know what “hormone therapy” means and you’re looking to learn about The Trans Experience. Maybe we went to that all-girls Catholic school together and you want to know what I think about that...
This newsletter is about food and its constellation of concerns, from politics and labor and hospitality and sourcing and everything else. On Monday, I send out an essay, along with notes on what I’ve published, read, and cooked. On Wednesday,
Lover of challenges, creativity, curiosities. Freelancer, manager, researcher. Folklore, place, people, identity. Some things digital, some things education...

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