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The latest breakthroughs, applications and foul-ups in artificial intelligence.
The Profile studies the most successful and interesting people and companies in business, entertainment, tech, sports, and more. Everyone has a story, and we can all learn a lesson or two from the world's most successful. In your inbox, every Sunday.
A weekly roundup of the most important news in tech and media by Simon Owens. I'm a longtime tech reporter and marketing consultant. My writing has appeared in places like US News & World Report, The Atlantic, New York Magazine, and
LYNCHLINE is the one and only newsletter from yours truly, Scott Lynch, internationally best-selling fantasy novelist, modern master of sword & sorcery adventure fiction, author of...
Subscribe for updates on “BASELINE,” a documentary series that aims to tell the story of the climate crisis beyond a human lifetime. Four locations, every five years — until 2050. Think of “BASELINE” as...
My full name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I started swissmiss in March of 2005 as my personal visual archive. Little did I know that it would eventually grow into a popular design journal with an average of 1 million unique visitors a month. I…
I’m a British writer and novelist, living in Barcelona, putting pen to paper to talk about sex, politics, history, landscapes and loves. I’m the author of two stupid novels, Chubz: The Demonization of My Working Arse and...
A few different things: current events and processes, thoughts on past happenings, book reviews, and eventually, interviews and other content. It offers thoughts and explanations of past happenings (like migration in prehistory, the invention of
New Things Under the Sun is a free newsletter about recent-ish research on the economics of innovation, science of science, creativity, and discovery. It is written to be accessible to non-specialists, but with enough depth for you to understand the

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