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Our weekly newsletter, brings you an unbiased, focused view of the crypto market informed by our own network (on-chain) and aggregate market data. You can expect unique insight and recurring weekly data to help you stay informed.
Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author. His blog {grow} is hailed as one of the top marketing blogs in the world. Mark has worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for m…
At Fizzle, our mission is clear: to help you earn a living independently doing something you care about. Now more than ever, it's possible for individual people like us to strike out on our own, building a small, sustainable, independent bu…
Interesting thoughts from famous entrepreneur Seth Godin on marketing, tribes and respect.
James Lucas, founder Creative Plantation shares links about digital, product, startups & tech.
Six Colors provides daily coverage of Apple, other technology companies, and the intersection of technology and culture. Its founder and editor in chief is Jason Snell. That’s me!
A curated collection links on the art living, being human & our relationship with nature.

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