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First came love (Dave), then marriage, then three kids (Max, Sabrina and Ben). Max has cerebral palsy. I launched Love That Max in October 2008 as an inspirational, informational, occasionally irreverent blog. Over the years, it's evolved to hel...
I didn’t seek out the study of children’s use of technology so much as it found me. As a child and adolescent psychologist, I’ve worked with hundreds of families that report similar problems: their children’s overuse of entertainment techno…
A mom trying to make it in the modern world. Juggling a business, husband, kids, household, life, etc., etc. One who not only values her family, but also herself. Hi and welcome! I’m Melanie, a Central Florida Latina mom blogger, mom to an…
Get the latest news on issues including kids’ health, homework, adolescent development, college, relationships and more.
Your Modern Family is written and owned by Becky Mansfield. Here, they will talk about raising kids, organizing the home and saving money!
Motherhood is HARD, and not one of us have the same story to tell. Celebrate each tiny victory of being a mom. One Modern Mom is a platform for moms of each walk of life. A place to educate moms on the best products for us as women and for…
31 July, 2020
GPT-3, the most powerful language model to date, has been all the rage in the tech industry lately. If you don’t know much about it, here are two pretty good pieces that explain: Az... (more)
Death, Sex & Money was born out a desire for open and honest conversations about the things that we “think about a lot, and need to talk about more.” Since host Anna Sale launched the show in May 2014, our show has featured intimate convers…
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