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Chris launched his first company, LockerGnome, to provide practical technology knowledge to millions shortly after attaining a degree in English Education. Not long thereafter, he became an expert in growing online communities – a skill tha…
Do you read plenty design books and tutorials, but still find your skills lacking when it comes time to implement what you’ve learned? It’s actually a pretty common problem, summed up in this famous quote:
A hand-picked round up of the best content at the intersection of Architecture, Design and Technology. Delivered straight to your inbox. Every Friday. Free.
A crowd curated feed front-end related articles, by brothers Stelian and Sergiu Firez. Site visitors vote up articles linked to from the feed. The newsletter is a list the top 10 voted most recent articles. Topics are what you’d expec…
Unfiltered, the world is noisy and a bit overwhelming. Delivered daily to your inbox, Born Free offers stories and ideas designed to encourage thought. This writer trusts her readers to think for themselves. “The mind is everything. What you...
Be less dazed and confused Every week I send out some links that I found interesting in a way that saves you time. I focus on productivity, self-hacking, modernity, and learning tools. Cut through the noise with my summaries and highlights.

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