8/14/2020 Recommended Issues: Nigerian spice, Pythagoras, community

Issues Worth Reading
Here is this week’s Worth Reading-- a set of interesting newsletter issues that may have flown under your radar:
- 2.20 - Yaji, in Vittles on August 7, 2020.In this fantastic read, you learn about northern Nigerian food/spices and culture through two first-hand experiences in London and Nigeria. In the first part, the Vittles writer describes the yaji spice and suya meat when he first discovered them, plus the unique ambiance/culture around them in the London restaurant scene. The second part is warm and inviting; it pulls you into a youthful memory of yaju and suya in the guest-writer’s hometown in Northern Nigeria-- and also gives a wonderfully succinct background to the complexities of Nigeria itself. It reads like a short story, told by a good friend, rather than your regular “newsletter”. Just lean back, relax, enjoy this issue...and imagine you’re there alongside the writers. Smell, breathe, laugh, learn. (2126 words, ~7.5min) Read it...
- The Pythagorean Edition in Why is this interesting?, by Noah Brier and Colin Nagyon August 6, 2020. Fascinating. If you’ve never spent much time thinking about how culture impacts the reason discoveries happen (evolution, lightning bolts, etc) ”, this issue will get your eyes popping and your brain revving. First, (surprise if you didn’t know!) many discoveries are made in parallel but only one lucky person is often remembered (Darwin, Franklin, etc). In this issue Noah and Colin give an amazingly interesting background to how and WHY the Chinese also discovered the Pythagorean Theorem-- and not to be a spoiler, but it ties to despots, heaven and power! After this, you’ll have a different way of questioning/thinking about ‘discoveries’ -- and you’ll definitely have a great story for your next happy hour! (1470 words, 5.5min) Read it...
- On Community. In From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy on Aug 10, 2020. What makes this issue worth reading is that Alicia forces you to rethink what the word community really means, how it is used, why it is used, and how we should use it. She explains how the definition of “community” has evolved -- and pushes you to think about its misuses, the “justification” that it often gives (rightfully or not), and who “community” excludes. Her piece is undoubtedly thought-provoking and may create a change in how you interpret or use the word going forward. (1922 words; ~7min) Read it...
I hope these issues ignited a few fires in your brain!
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