11/6/20 Recommended Issues: Misinformation & Watership Down Leadership

11/6/20 Recommended Issues: Misinformation & Watership Down Leadership

Good day!

Each week we handpick newsletter issues by independent writers you may have missed that provide new or unique perspectives. 

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Here's what's worth reading this week...enjoy!




How YouTube got played on Election Day in Platformer by Casey Newton on Nov 4, 2020
When What You Thought Would Happen, Happened in Hot Pod by Nicholas Quah on Nov 3, 2020

The theme of content moderation came up in many newsletters this week, most specifically around how information platforms should/shouldn’t (or do/don’t) control misinformation. And while Facebook and Twitter have been discussed ad nauseum over the past few months, YouTube and Spotify are now in the spotlight. 

  • In Platformer, Casey Newton goes into a very interesting comparison between YouTube’s handling of false election “facts” and Facebook/Twitter’s. YouTube does not come out looking so great, even though they thought they were preparing well, and it’s worth understanding why.  (2081 words; 7.5 minutes) Read it… 
  • In Hot Pod, Nicholas Quah discusses the recent podcast of Joe Rogan (Spotify’s shining star podcaster that’s worth a LOT of money to Spotify) with Alex Jones who is known for spreading conspiracy theories and false information. Nicholas questions why (similar to YouTube) more content moderation policies weren’t in place at Spotify already, he discusses the impact on Spotify employees, and he hypothesizes about what a content moderation policy could look like. It’s worth reading to have a better view into understanding how misinformation could/should be handled for podcasting platforms and the greater impact it has on all those involved. (1290 words; 4.5 minutes) Read it...



Prince With A Thousand Enemies in The Refractor by Robert on Nov 5, 2020

This was an intriguing read, which starts off discussing how the principles leadership, team, and culture are applied within the children’s book Watership Down-- and how they relate to organizational risk. The issue would have been worth reading on its own just for that. BUT then, it gets even better and perspective-altering when Robert poses the question: in today’s world, what actually is a “firm”? He explains that it has outgrown various past definitions, and he proposes a new one, suggesting that firms are “arrangements of people with a common belief system”. Pondering this perspective may impact decisions you make as a leader/manager in an organization, or cause you to think differently about what company you might choose to work for, or, at a minimum, may make you interpret corporate actions through a different filter than you might have used before.  (2318 words; 7¾ minutes) Read it...


I hope your brain connected a few new neurons with these reads!

And if you're on the hunt for any specific newsletters to read, feel free to reach out to me or to take a look through narrowSCALE.

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Thanks and all the best,



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