Recommended Issues: Policing, Peer Review, and Negotiation

Recommended Issues: Policing, Peer Review, and Negotiation

Worth reading this week

  • Where did policing go wrong? (in Reporting by Matt Taibbi, on June 1, 2020). If you’ve been wondering how the concept of “police” and “policing” evolved in the US, Matt Taibbi, an award-winning journalist and author, provides a just-the-right-amount-of detail historical summary. You’ll come away much better informed about the philosophies and incentive structures which have enabled today’s US police forces. (1,600 words/~6minutes)
  • Let's just get rid of peer review (in Two Truths and a Take, by Alex Danco on May 31, 2020). Society is consuming a lot of facts, data, and research right now, especially because of the coronavirus and vaccine efforts. You’ll see a paper “published” one day with a lot of hype by solidly-credentialed researchers, only to have other researchers knock it down in the following days. Alex stakes a stab (and a stand) at how research SHOULD be released and published. It’s worth a read so that you have a stronger understanding of the current system and its inherent issues as well as so you can form your own opinion on what, if anything, would be better. (3370 words/~12 minutes)
  • Negotiation tool: Silence (in SpeakersLoft / Standing Oration by Kristian, on Jun 8, 2020). Even as much of the world is still quarantining in some form, the need to negotiate has never taken a pause. There are still employers, employees, grocery delivery companies, landlords, utility companies...and even children or elderly parents to negotiate with. This quick read from SpeakersLoft highlights a negotiating tactic that you might find really useful-- and that is very easy to both forget and to leverage: silence.





          Try it.  (330 words / ~1minute)


Hope you’ve gleaned some useful tidibits from these issues. 

If you’re interested in receiving more from these writers, you’re always welcome to subscribe to Reporting by Matt Taibbi, Two Truths and a Take, or SpeakersLoft / Standing Oration.  

Also, if you have any issues to recommend, let us know at  

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