6/16/20: Recommended Issues

This is narrowSCALE's roundup of some of the most interesting newsletter issues each week that might have flown under your radar. Take a skim through...
Discipline ≠ Willpower (in Mind & Machine, by August Bradley on June 14, 2020). If you’ve been kicking yourself lately for not having enough willpower or self discipline, you may find this an intriguing and useful read. Often people conflate willpower and discipline -- or believe that discipline is all about just willpower-- and in this issue, August teases apart why they are different. It’s quite a refreshing reminder that willpower isn’t the only answer, and he takes you through what you do need to change to become more disciplined (spoiler: it’s your environment and yourself) -- and actually provides tips on how to do so. It’s worth a read because August really does reframe discipline and what it means to take discipline to the next level (with some great quotes from elite athletes and performers too). To save time, you can also skip everything after the discipline section. (2300 words; 8.5 minutes)
About face (in Exponential View, by Azeem Azhar on June 13, 2020). If you’ve been even remotely interested in what’s going on with facial recognition these days, especially given the various moratoriums that several companies just put in place, this is a solid read. Azeem takes you through not only just the state of facial recognition and which companies are/aren’t working with law enforcement, but he also delves into some very philosophical and moral questions, like should AI / facial recognition be regulated-- and if so, how will the rules be developed?, why weren’t firms motivated until now to take action on their own?, how will US decisions impact other surveillance-heavy countries?, etc. It’s worth reading because you’ll be left with a much better understanding of the (arguable) need for regulation around these technologies as well as a LOT of questions to ponder about how regulation would actually be enacted and by whom. (1500 words; 5.5 minutes)
Nationalised Food (in Vittles, by Lisa Haseldine on June 13, 2020) It’s not often when you hear about Russia doing something “better” than the UK or US, but in this issue, Lisa makes a very compelling argument for why nationalized food might be worth considering. Through her unique insights into the Russian cultural phenomenon of stolovayas, (effectively canteens, but without the stigma of such) you’ll not only feel like you’re there, but you’ll also be led to question whether the equivalent (government subsidized/sponsored food/restaurants) would be something that could assist society as a whole during the economic recovery we’re embarking on during/post-corona. It’s worth a read for new perspectives, solid questions, and interesting cultural insights. (2300 words; 8.5 minutes)
We hope these issues leave you much to ponder and that they’ve added a few more topics to your virtual water cooler repertoire.
If you’re interested in receiving more from these writers, you’re always welcome to subscribe to Mind & Machine, by August Bradley, Exponential View, and Vittles.
Also, if you have any issues to recommend, let us know at newsletters@narrowscale.com.