2/5/2021 Recommended Issues: Ethical Recipes?, Saudi Newspapers, the Week in Charts

2/5/2021 Recommended Issues: Ethical Recipes?, Saudi Newspapers, the Week in Charts

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Here's what's worth reading this week...enjoy!



Ethical Flour in Wordloaf by Andrw Janjigian on Feb 3

Andrew normally writes about recipes for bread, which, if you’re into, it’s definitely worth checking out. BUT, this week, his newsletter was more philosophical-- about the role of one who recommends recipes. Mainly: 1. Do they have a responsibility to push more ethically-sourced ingredients? 2. How can that be rationalized with possible alienation of readers that can’t afford higher priced, more local/ethical ingredients?, and 3. About the impact of variability of locally sourced vs. national brands on the writing and preciseness of recipes. Obviously 99.99% of us reading this are not recipe writers, but it makes you think none-the-less about recipes you read and/or try, the ingredients you buy, and your own philosophy about food sources. You’ll also walk away more knowledgeable about how flour is made and the differences between local and mass-produced, which may lead to some interesting conversations with friends over your next loaf of bread.  (1464 words; ~5.5minutes) Read it…


Saudi press crisis in Riyadh Bureau by Ahmed Al Omran on Jan 29

There’s a high likelihood you’ve never given much thought to newspapers in Saudi Arabia...But with the level of state-desired media control in the Saudi Arabia, it’s fascinating to learn about the history of newspapers and journalism in the country, as well as how newspapers have arrived at their current financial crisis. Ahmed takes you on a (very) deep dive through all of that and also offers thoughts on why the government may, or may not, end up bailing some newspapers out. Given the general lack of knowledge about Saudi press in general, you’re guaranteed to learn, making it well worth the read. (3000 words; 11 minutes)  Read it...


EV’s charts of the week #12 in Exponential View by Azeem Azhar on 2/3

In this issue, Azeem provides a collection of thought-provoking charts that help you to visualize important information and news from the week. At each chart, pause for a moment, analyze it, read Azeems’ pithy commentary, and (if you’re not feeling too lazy, in which case Azeems’ comments suffice) think for yourself about what to take away from it. You’ll get a different perspective looking at the charts/graphs than just reading the news or hearing headlines; it also makes your brain work and absorb differently. Also, you’ll accumulate some newsworthy knowledge to spew out the next time you need smalltalk before a zoom meeting actually kicks off. (732 words; 2.5 minutes + thinking time) Read it… 

Some brain-tickling facts for the week:

  • CVS has over 9k pharmacies, which is 26% (!!!) of the US drug store market! For better or for worse, that’s an impressive number.  (BIG 1/27)

  • Some research has suggested that ad breaks can actually IMPROVE the viewing experience. Curious how many of you would agree :)... (Marketing BS 2/1)

  • I’m glad the folks of New Orleans have kept a sense of humor through Covid… They can’t have a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans this year so people are decorating their houses and calling it Yardi Gras. Made me smile. (Bright Spots 1/30)

  • Table manners that we would recognise began to be brought to Northern Europe from Florence with the marriage of Catherine de Medici to Henri II of France in 1533. Who knew? (Design Lobster 1/31)

  • Unlike past research suggesting that happiness capped out after a certain income level, there's some new research suggesting more money can lead to more happiness. Hmmm. I’m not sure if that’s good news or bad news... (Exponential View 2/3)

I hope you found something worth learning!

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